Monday, April 28, 2008

I am back in the saddle

After two weeks of intense field working abroad, not really away from technology that could have gave me access to internet or this blog, but the bread in the table comes first; I am finally back with time to write my troughs about Bolivia. In this time away many things and few things happened in the country.

The many where, of course, the articles and the chit chat about the autonomic process beginning in Santa Cruz and tempting to be expanded in 2/3 of the Country. Don’t you people love that number?; Thank you Robert for your rules of law. Also among those many things are the international communities beginning to seriously take in account the gravity of the situation, I am not talking off course about the bozo club of Chavez and his clown from Nicaragua and Ecuador; they are long aware of their problems in Bolivia.

But at the same time few things really happened, the referendum in Santa Cruz is going forward, the proposition for autonomies is going to win, the maSSist regime don’t have the power to stop it and no extensive violence, as in two armies with considerable amount of people in each side, is going to happen. In other words, the referendum will have the same support, and enemies, today, as is going to have the 4th or as it had 2 weeks or more ago.

No matter how you see this, from the democracy fighters side or the neo indigenous fascism side; this referendum can only benefit those that don’t want to be ruled by a tyrant; the closed the results to 2/3 of the voters, the more power to stop the racist and totalitarian regimen of Evo Morales and the more fuel for the other departments to fight for their freedom and human rights. I am personally hoping for the pro maSSist to boycott the referendum and don’t go to the urns, that will help beef up the pro autonomous movement numbers and it will be hilarious to see who the Venezuelan recipe backfires on Evo himself.

The eating of the maSSist queen, not Garcia Lineras, in this political chess game is already without a doubt. The point is, how the next pieces will be moved to check mate the tyrant without killing the country? As there is no doubt about it, killing the country is an option for those leading Santa Cruz if they see impossible to save themselves from the cancer of the racism and prejudice coming from the Morales agenda. This, I believe, will no be possible to be achieved in the pacific way the referendum is being brought up.

On thing is certain, no matter how skeptic people from the other non autonomist departments are, they will have a close eye over this referendum; to be afraid in some cases and to hope for a better future for themselves in other cases.


Unknown said...

Welcome Back BL.

Nice to have you aboard.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MALINCHISTAS de quinta categoría. YANKEE-llocallas. Si están tan amargados, ¿por qué no se van del país? Me dan lástima por eunucos intelectuales.

Wiraqocha Yupanqui said...

Ano 7:15 AM; que te puedo decir, por que no te callas? Me vino a la mente, je, je. Pero eso es lo que te deben decir a menudo, por eso tu avinagramiento. Aquí puedes escribir todo lo que quieras, me puedes insultar, puedes despotricar y decir lo que te pegue en gana. Pero, como no me da el gusto de irme del país, me vas a tener que aguantar nomás. Para que no te salte una hemorroide de la rabia, te aconsejo que debatas lo que escribo, con calma. Saludos libertarios.