Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The Colombian FARC & Chavez hostage gate and the Evo 5.56 mm. bullets gate in Sucre are all the sorriest example of political manipulation that could only come from lowest of the lowest of populist idiosyncrasy. All that loud mouthing by major leaders of the nationalistic movements, Chavez and Evo, and the great quantity of resources spent in political propaganda trying to divert their failure to other grounds could only make proud at fellows as Goebbels and their like.

Chavez and Evo share a couple of pitiful common points, the total disregard for human compassion towards the victims and the alliance, in mint and soul, to the malign perpetrators. First we have Hugo Chavez, almost exploding of pride like a rococo (large Bolivian frog) puffing for air before howling to the four corners of the world about the “great” connections he is got with the terrorist FARC from whom he was going to secure the release of some hostages, just because he is such a powerful leader and so much respected by the FARC. Sure, and we are all kids that believe the FARC are going to give Hugo a candy for nothing, and we are such a naïve society that believe the Hugo’s intentions have nothing to do with gaining political momentum in a critical point of his dictatorial career.

Let’s remember that all this freeing the hostage ordeal was supposed to happen before Hugo’s last intent to change his country constitution to make him dictator for life; and then he continued with the circus in intent to save face after his debacle in the polls. It appears all do, that the FARC don’t believe they need whatever Chavez offered them, probably money and safe haven in the Venezuelan – Colombian border; or that as it happened with one of the hostages, they cannot deliver these poor people to freedom. Hugo, off course, blamed his failure to somebody else, the Colombian government, one more sorry example of the classical dictators set of mind of impossibility to accept they can make mistakes.

Then we have Evo, with over 30 assassinated by his governmental forces in less than 2 years at office; being the latest murders in Sucre the ones mostly affecting him and his regime. Not because he cares about the victims and their families, but because it puts him in the same situation he put his past rival Goni Sanchez de Lozada and because it directly affects the status of his constitution, the one the he needs to pass to reign over Bolivia like the Inca (King) he believes he is.

The murdered in Sucre where hit from above and two of them almost in the same area, all of them where killed by 5.56 mm bullets. With this information the regime was quick to say that neither the police nor the army uses those ammunitions, as in regular bases; those, “somebody else” must have fired those shoots and murdered those citizens of Bolivia. The regime didn’t expected that several police officials immediately reported that 5.56 mm ammunitions are carried and used by both, the police and the army, in special occasions. Soon the regime was informed by the local press that the person murdered last year in Oruro, a member of “Los Sin Techo” (The Ones without a Roof), was shoot by a 5.56 mm; the only ones firing shoots on that day where the police, of course, no culprit was ever found.

More interesting at all it is that the data from the 2003 Goni ousting showed that the bullets fired to the presidential palace, one can only assume that by the “pacific” protesters of the War Over Gas, were all 5.56 mm. Taking in account the amount of Ponchos Rojos presented in Sucre and other civilian hired (guns), the “gatilleros” as named by the regime, could very possible come from those henchmen. Not the police or the army, but even worse, from the maSSist civilian squadristy itself.

Time will bring up the true, and culprits will be identified, since time is something not even dictators for life can detain; it is our responsibility at this point, no to let history pass without documenting this barbarism for our future generation not to repeat it again.


Anonymous said...

This is surprising. Great article.

Anonymous said...

El Colegio de Abogados de Chuquisaca y familiares de las víctimas de noviembre pidieron ayer al Fiscal General el inicio de un juicio de responsabilidades contra el presidente Evo Morales y el ministro Alfredo Rada, además de tres jefes policiales, por el delito de genocidio, a raíz de los enfrentamientos del 23, 24 y 25 de noviembre que derivaron en la muerte de tres personas y dejaron más de 300 heridos.
De acuerdo con la proposición presentada por el presidente del Colegio de Abogados de Chuquisaca, Hernando Aguilar, Morales es acusado por violación de derechos y garantías constitucionales, genocidio, resoluciones contrarias a la CPE y a las leyes

for more: http://www.la-razon.com/versiones/20080108_006145/nota_247_529968.htm

Anonymous said...

Brillant analysis, I will have to enter to this blog a little more often. Interesting the point about the ammo uses in 2003 and today in Bolivia.
I hope the bringing of Evo to justice fructify and other follow the example of the first. Go ahead Bolivians, you still have a lot to fight for.

Anonymous said...

I think 'genocide' is too far fetched term used by the opposition. I'm afraid they are running out of ideas, which is already busting them even more.

Wiraqocha Yupanqui said...

Anon 9:52 PM; the term genocide in Bolivian laws refers to murder, doesn’t have the real meaning. This was largely discussed since 2003 when Goni was accused for genocide by Evo and the likes; off course with the intent to make him a real genocidal.

So the word will not be such a fetched terminology in this particular case as you think; I must correct you, whoever, that the demand is not coming from the opposition but from the families of the murdered. I don’t think is going to bring the culprits to justice, since they are now in power and will be retiring in the Caribbean in the near future; but it is an excellent way to not to let history pass by in silence and I surely am for it.

Rebelde said...

BL, 'The oracle' has spoken, would you reject your words if your assumptions prove to be wrong?

citing... 'since they are now in power and will be retiring in the Caribbean in the near future'

That is the very reason why I call you the 'Bolivian Goebbels' and, if this were a serious analysis-blog-news web-page, I will call you are a 'mass media terrorist' for spreading fallaces. Is it too difficult to understand?

Wiraqocha Yupanqui said...

If such a horrible future expects Bolivia, I will not need nor I will be able, to reject my words. Since there will be NO freedom of speech; and my not so light skin is not going to save my from the regime’s “relocation”. Who knows and we might end up in the same place, since totalitarianisms are not well know to be loyal to their hound dogs.

By the way, this Blog is open to learn and discuss about human rights, the environment, freedom off speech and the building a democracy for Bolivia. That is why everybody is open to write and discus things here, nobody has ever being erased, blocked from comment or having their comments edited or manipulated as the mass media you so much are afraid off do. I do not expect people to prove me their words; they are just that, their words, personal experiences and beliefs, just like when you have a conversation with other persons anywhere else.

Tell me if the above was to difficult to understand for you so I do my best the next time to explain it to you, with chuis!

Anonymous said...

Hey Rebelde,

"I will call you are a 'mass media terrorist' for spreading fallaces"

Why don´t you just prove one of those fallaces?? where are they?

As a reader of this blog, I would like to know them as BL shows the Masist´s fallaces.

Is this to diffucult to understand Rebelde???