Sunday, November 08, 2009

Constitutional Fallacies

Last Friday I diligently comply with one of our most “plurinational”, and Creole traditions of the country and went to drink a few “frias” in one of the hundred “boliches” in Cochabamba; a magical place where you can talk about everything and anything when there are no maSSist zealots with cell phones around; but do to the current situation of the country, it focus mostly on politics.

Many were the topics of the night, but the most intense one was the supposedly marvelous new constitution we have in the country; there were obviously some infiltrated maSSist goons in the table; so most of us watched what we said but manage to screw with their minds anyways.

The maSSist poit of view was that with the new constitutions, followed textually, that means as Evo interpreter it for them; all problems of the country were going to be solved. One of the first comments, I meant, obstacles to them, was the insinuation that the maSSist might not win a majority of votes in the senate. The maSSist, after writing something in a little booklet replied, “All is set for the MAS party to have at least 50% of congress, which will allow them to be able to change anything in the constitution or any law if that matters”. This could happen because the maSSist constitution doesn’t respect the rights of the political minorities.

One brave person observed that there was no need to spend so many efforts to win Congress, since in Bolivia all you need is to have the power of the violent masses in the street and whoever is the President can screw this constitution like Evo screwed last constitution. I freezing breeze crossed the tables, since we all new that the maSSist forces included now the vicious of the violent from the Union Juvenil Crucenista in Santa Cruz and that in Bolivia, a change of topic was urgently needed.

I wisely moved towards attacking the maSSist enemy, yes, the USA; and informed all that when I was in that country I had the chance to read their constitution and was involved in studying some of their laws at the time they deported my for being an illegal, I meant, “unauthorized” worker. And told them that their Constitution is so fucked up that allowed black people from being segregated and having their human rights taken away from them; since their Constitution in the 60’s is the same than today. Someone rapidly jumped with a comment indicating that an interracial couple; I believe in Alabama, was denied civil matrimony by the justice of peace based in racism.

These really messed up the maSSist minds in the table, they happily paid for the beer and left with the belief they hit a jack pot with the juicy news of the racist USA Constitution; they were probably thinking on how to beat each other on communicating it from, “reliable’ sources, to their bosses, Evo, Lineras’s and company.

The rest of us left knowing that it doesn’t matter what it says in the constitution, what matter is that if you make presidents so powerful, it will be human nature to try becoming a totalitarian ruler where a Constitution is no more than a paper to clean their ass. And so will happen if you allow the majority of the society to decide over the rights of the minorities, as it happened with Afro-Americans in the 50’s and 60’s. Both of the situations will happen in Bolivia if Evo Morales is allowed to win the December elections, it is a good thing the democracy fighters are ready to reduce the possibility for it to happen and are now prepare to fight on the long run if this preliminary battle is lost.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Apology to violation of Human Rights

The past 3 weeks passed by pretty fast, it all started as soon as I sat foot on the country after a lengthy flight; in La Paz. The shit had just hit the fan for the regime of Evo Morales and his indigenous fascist comrades; the opposition lead by Manfred Reyes Villa had just accused the regime of human rights violations because they would not let his Vice President candidate, a political prisoner here in La Paz, speak freely with the press. Nothing changed the stubborn, hateful and racist minds of the maSSist oligarchy and their zealots; and it gave Manfred Reyes Villa and his party one week of free political propaganda and endless ammunition; the case is currently about to be ventilate in the UN at their US headquarters, and the maSSist regime has everything to loose.

Now, just a week ago, a new front has opened; the revelations that the government manipulate and implanted evidence on the still open case of the assassinated presumed terrorist Eduardo Rozsa and two of his friends. The regimes trying to hide their deeds by lying means they have to say 5 more lies to cover the first one and so one; the true is soon to be completely reveled, and is not going to look good for a criminal like Evo Morales, whom recognized gave the order to kill Rozsa and the others.

All this plus the publications of key maSSist zealots warning of possible elections fraud against Evo Morales by their appointee President of the Electoral Court, how laughable, and the fact that Alejo Veliz, and old Morales ally, accused Morales from participating as a lower chamber candidate for MAS archenemy Goni Sanchez de Lozada and the MNR party back in 1985 is going to bring interesting artillery to the last month of the election process.

As it appears, there is a large window of opportunity for the freedom fighters in Bolivia to restore democracy and the Republic, we will keep fighting for it to happen; Viva Bolivia Libre of maSSist racism and totalitarism.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Why Obama, why?

Cannot you hate the light skinned people like I do? Asked himself Evo Morales, dictator wannabe of the ex Republic of Bolivia while accusing US President Barrack Obama of racism against the Bolivian indigenous people at his speech at the UN last week.

A statement like this would have cause furor just 3 years ago when Evo and his sweater were the political hit of the moment. These days, Evo’s jargon are yap, yap, yap on the international community ears, outside Venezuela of course. The funny thing is that his pathetic words didn’t even have repercussions in Bolivia, I got the news from a Venezuelan friend that sent me a video he taped of a pro Chavez Venezuelan TV station by e-mail. Non of my friends in the US heard or care about it, neither we in Bolivia. Not that I am saying it didn’t air here, it might, I don’t live in front of the TV; but if he appeared, it didn’t make the shock waves it use to do in the past.

Something that did showed in Bolivia was the second SOS meeting in Margarita Island, Venezuela; where Evo shared space and ideology with his likes Mugabi, Chavez, Gadhafi and Correa. I felt sorry for Lula and Bachelet being in the middle of that hot pot of dictator apprentices, but they are not going to run for office anymore, so I guess they believe have little to loose.

Evo off course, didn’t loose the opportunity to blame his problems to others, his most important words where more or less, “who is responsible for the melting glaciers in Bolivia and the Andes, Capitalism is the enemy of humanity”. I guess nobody told him that his friend Hugo Chavez burns tons of gas to the atmosphere every day which are a pollution source much closer to Bolivia than those of the mean capitalist states further North.

Good thing he didn’t mention desertification, some wise ass might have mention him that all the rainforest his cocalero zealot burn to plant coco leaves at protected national parks while assassinating their legal indigenous communities or build roads trough an anima sanctuary are a cause of decertification closer to home. By the way, the latter news did show in all Bolivian free press.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I am Back in the Saddle

It is being a while, a long while since I write in my blog; something I had to do to make sure I don’t screw up and give away any strategy from the Victor Hugo Cardenas presidential interests. Now that Victor Hugo has declined his postulation and I have decided not to participate within any of the pro democracy candidates, Manfred and Samuel, I will start writing again and off course given a hand here and there to the Manfred Reyes Villa camp, the candidate that I support to lead the country towards reintegration and freedom of the people.

I was amassed by the way the regional fissure become such an obstacle for the candidacy of Victor Hugo Cardenas, a fissure that appeared to be an abysm hundreds of kilometers wide for those close to Cardenas in the occident of the country. Their idea in their minds of Bolivia being the Andes, and their culture, could not let them open their eyes to make them understand that if Victor Hugo wanted to be a president of the country, he needed to have contacts and alliances with everybody in the country.

It was so sad to see that they claimed that alliances with the Orient were welcome, but with new people, new blood; like if they were any new on politics or like if they created the Victor Hugo candidacy in a couple of months. What can I tell you all, it was like seeing a second MAS in the making, with old politicians believing they are the new blood because were never a part of a Bolivian government, or were part of it for a short period of time.

The recipe was old, and it was proven a disaster by the Andean autocracy of the maSSist regime, so was understood by Victor Hugo; whom wisely bailed out after Manfred Reyes Villa showed he was capable of cementing that fissure between the Andes and the Orient; and so was Doria Medina, in a very light, fuzzy way.

Manfred is, in reality, the only real possibility to keep democracy and freedom in Bolivia, the so called right wing candidate has nothing off what a right wing politician in other more moderate and lest socialistic countries would have. He is another populist, hard worker, expert investor on social programs and constructor of cities, a modern man but hardly a conservative, which is the trademark of the right wing politician.

Off course comparing with the leftist, neo fascism of Evo Morales and his MAS party, almost anybody else in Bolivia will be considered on the right side of the spectrum of politics as we know them. And yes, different from what the maSSist regime and their allies whine about, the fascists thinking is a combination of nationalism and socialism, which were and are key components of the regimes of Mussolini, Hitler, Chavez and Evo Morales.

Bolivia can still be saved from the hate and racism of Morales neo fascism of Evo Morales. Funny, and sad thing, the biggest problem for this to happen is the insistence of Doria Medina to participate en the elections, with the “I am in the middle flag” he cleverly raised from the beginning of the creation of his party; not enough to win a presidency, but enough to win key sets in Congress to help serve his enterprise interests. To bad a good 10% of the Bolivia population is fooled by this person that only thinks on himself and his money. Today that is a 10% the Bolivian democratic freedom fighter cannot easily spare; especially with the 6% cheat votes insured by the maSSist regime abroad.

We will see what happens, and will off course, help guiding the country towards the respect to of human rights for “everybody” at any open possibility; I will keep posting till that happens.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

More Political Refugees from the maSSist Regime

As we can see bellow, even Brazilian leftist government considers the maSSist regime of Evo Morales a dictatorship

Santa Cruz El Deber
Tras casi nueve meses de la matanza de Porvenir, el Gobierno de Brasil decidió otorgar refugio político a 118 bolivianos que viven en las ciudades fronterizas de Brasileia y Epitaciolandia. Según la agencia ANSA, la decisión fue tomada por el Consejo Nacional para los Refugiados (Conare) y la medida fue defendida por el ministro de Justicia de Brasil, Tarso Genro, uno de los dirigentes más importantes del Partido de los Trabajadores (PT).
Los bolivianos que recibieron el asilo son socorridos por la administración de Lula da Silva desde septiembre pasado y vivían en el coliseo de Brasileia.
El diario Estado do Sao Paulo informó de que los bolivianos recibieron el refugio por entender que existe el temor de persecución política y falta de garantías para que se les siga un proceso legal imparcial.
“Son personas del pueblo, trabajadores, comerciantes. No hay interés por parte nuestra si los conflictos los colocan en la izquierda o en la derecha", dijo el ministro Genro, citado por Estado do Sao Paulo.
Consultado al respecto, el esposo de Ana Melena, Carlos Suzuki, aseguró que la ex dirigente cívica es una de las beneficiarias con el refugio, pero evitó hacer comentarios porque las autoridades brasileñas le advirtieron que, a partir de ese momento, ya no podía realizar declaraciones políticas.
Más de 300 ciudadanos bolivianos cruzaron la frontera con Brasil por los puente que unen Cobija con Brasileia y Epitaciolandia, el 16 de septiembre de 2008, luego de que el Ejército boliviano tomara prisionero al prefecto de Pando, Leopoldo Fernández.
El 11 de septiembre, en la localidad de Porvenir, se produjo un enfrentamiento entre campesinos afines al Gobierno y partidarios autonomistas que provocó nueve muertos, siete campesinos y dos de los afines a Fernández. Un día después, el Gobierno dictó estado de sitio en todo el departamento amazónico y, en la acción de retoma del aeropuerto de Cobija, que estaba ocupado por los autonomistas desde el 5 de septiembre, fallecieron un pastor evangélico y un policía militar por impactos de bala.
Fernández se encuentra detenido en la cárcel de San Pedro de La Paz, a la espera de un juicio ordinario, pese a que la Corte Suprema de Justicia indicó que le corresponde un juicio de responsabilidades y ordenó que sea trasladado a Sucre para ser juzgado por la Corte Suprema de Justicia.
La decisión brasileña no ha agradado a las víctimas de septiembre. La abogada que representa a las familias de los siete campesinos fallecidos, Mary Carrasco, anunció que, a través de la Cancillería boliviana, extremará recursos para revertir el refugio de los 118 bolivianos, ya que considera que están implicados en los enfrentamientos.
“Haremos llegar las partes más esenciales de la investigación penal, a objeto de que se revierta el refugio que han obtenido a base de mentiras, pero respetaremos los canales diplomáticos", acotó Carrasco.
La abogada comentó que “recibe con sorpresa el refugio a 118 bolivianos que huyeron de la región pandina de Cobija” tras los hechos de Porvenir y dejó en claro que no todos tienen relación con la denominada masacre de Porvenir.
“La información que proporcionaron esas personas a las autoridades brasileñas son puras mentiras y que el proceso que se lleva adelante en Bolivia no es una persecución política. A nombre de las víctimas podemos asegurar que no existirá cansancio en la batalla penal contra los fugitivos que se convirtieron en refugiados que el Gobierno del Brasil”, dijo.
15 campesinos inocentes
La Fiscalía de Cobija determinó el sobreseimiento de 15 campesinos acusados de homicidio, lesiones graves y tentativa de asesinato en los hechos del 11 de septiembre de 2008.
De acuerdo con el informe del fiscal de materia Fidel Ribera, la etapa de investigación se encuentra ‘superabundantemente vencida’ y “los elementos probatorios sobre la acusación no fueron presentados en la etapa de la investigación”.
El 12 de septiembre de 2008, el Ministerio Público por intermedio de los fiscales de Materia Mario Mariscal Miranda y Patricia Tania Romero, presentó una imputación contra 15 campesinos bajo los delitos de homicidio. Luego del enfrentamiento de Porvenir, los cívicos apresaron a 15 campesinos y los llevaron a las oficinas del Comité Cívico de Pando.
• La solicitud de asilo podrá ser efectuada en cualquier delegación de la Policía Federal de Brasil, que se encuentran en puestos fronterizos y puertos.• El extranjero que llega al territorio brasileño podrá expresar su voluntad de solicitar el reconocimiento del estatuto de refugiado a cualquier autoridad migratoria que se encuentra en la frontera.• La autoridad a quien fue presentada la solicitud deberá atender al que pide el asilo y preparar los trámites de la declaración, que deberá incluir las circunstancias relativas a su ingreso con Brasil y los motivos que lo hicieron huir de su país de origen. • El ingreso irregular en el territorio brasileño no constituye un impedimento para la solicitud de asilo ante las autoridades competentes.• No se rechazará en la frontera a quien manifiesta su deseo de solicitar asilo. • La autoridad competente tomará las declaraciones del solicitante, acto que marca el inicio del procedimiento. • Además de las declaraciones prestadas si es necesario, con la ayuda de un traductor, el solicitante deberá llenar el formulario de reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado, la cual deberá incluir su identificación completa, profesión, grado de escolaridad y también el de los miembros de su grupo familiar, así como la narración de las circunstancias y acontecimientos en que se basa su solicitud, proporcionando las pruebas pertinentes, si las posee. • Los trámites de la solicitud tienen que ser realizados por un funcionario calificado y en condiciones que aseguran el secreto de las informaciones. (Fuente:_Acnur)

Monday, March 23, 2009

MaSSist Anarchy

As it was expected, the taking over and stealing Ex Vice President Victor Hugo Cardenas’s country house with the aggravate of the beating of his elderly wife and young children and nice by a maSSist mob lead by Evo Morales henchmen is a hot topic of discussion in the country and within my inner circle of friends and foes.

The most interesting comments come this time from the maSSist zealots, especially from the ones with higher education and the ones that trough the Bolivian style Persian market had worked hard and made enough money to own a small property to rest and enjoy in the countryside. Most of them have a member of the community that takes care of the grounds without pay but with the right to live in a hut on the border of the property with their family. They are also allowed to take some of the agricultural products the small land produces if the owners are interested on having them. Yes, the above owners are in deed Evo Morales supporters; at least they were up to the Cardenas’ ordeal.

For them, communitarian justice was fare away, at the land their grandparents left, were their poor cousin live, no at the out squirts of the cities or at the well established tows were they go eat their “platito’ and drink their chicha in tutuma. Today, those sacred places are no man’s land taking in account the way the maSSist regime is allowing the violent to interpreter the new constitution.

Most of them think that in this case the community made a mistake and that what it was done it was definitively not right, but none of them say they will rise against the communal leaders if they believe what they are doing is wrong. And why will they? The quechua-aymara communities have teach their young that to survive is to do whatever the community says they have to do, without taking in consideration that the “community” is in reality one or two powerful families that control everything, from production to commerce in their little feud; just like in medieval Europe.

And like in medieval Europe, those landlords had to kneel and serve as the stick of the more powerful king or warlord in order to subjugate the people; specially those vocal against the powerful. In this case the king is replaced by a dictator want to be which masterfully handles their landlords in a Machiavellian way and supported with a lot of money; which by the way, is starting to run scarce.

For what is worth, and as a short answer, these maSSist supported usually tell you they fill they are OK since they are planning continuing serving or supporting the party; off course, knowing their treacherous ways, they might clean up their fear by exchanging their secret vote, while they still have one, for somebody less tyrant than Evo Morales. Who knows and maybe treacherousness won’t be such an ugly word, especially if it is used to kick the maSSist out of government.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

In the psyche of a tyrant

The despicable acts of barbaric dimensions performed by the maSSsit acolytes against former Vice President Victor Hugo Cardenas wife, children and other minors at their residence on Lake Titicaca have touched many Bolivian harts in the country and the repercussions are starting to come from abroad.

For us Bolivians living in the Country since before the Morales rising to power trough the use of violence in the streets, after seeing or experience the continued violence by the regime’s squadristi and the violation of human rights with illegal kidnappings of political dissidents at night, which also terrorizing their families and the community, at Pando, Tarija and Santa Cruz. The taking over of Cardenas house, beating his elderly wife and flagellating his son, a teenager, by the hordes of maSSist who’s only reason is that Victor Hugo doesn’t think like them, has become the real shock wave of what is coming towards us if Morales is allowed to reign past December.

But the shock wave didn’t really come from the regime’s henchmen acts, it come from Evo Morales and Alvaro Garcia Lineras themselves; given very little importance to the issue and actually condoning the acts of their paid mob trying to blame this despicable act on the victim itself. Now, one thing is kicking the shit out of a nobody or taking prisoner the political leader of the smaller Department in the country with the smaller amount of followers; an other thing is non having any problem on violently attacking a well know, respected and peaceful leader like Victor Hugo Cardenas, the deeds of the maSSist regime as tyrannical as the ones performed by the Nazi party on Hitler’s Germany.

The world is finally starting to understand what type of tyrant they have being feeding with glamour, benevolence and understanding, and in Bolivia beneath the rubble being left by the despotic regime of Evo Morales a tyrant slayer has born today under the name of Victor Hugo Cardenas, all Bolivians believers of democracy, respect of human rights and who love their country should start doing something to contribute to his success. I will definitely be doing a lot for that to happen.